Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Charles Causley Reading From His Poems publish a wonderful CD of Charles Causley reading his work, which is available to buy. There are also sound files of the poet reading his work on the website itself, including as a highlight a reading of his moving and beautiful 'Eden Rock'.

The track listing for the CD:

1. Nursery Rhyme of Innocence & Experience
2. Chief Petty Officer
3. Recruiting Drive
4. Ballad of the Bread Man
5. I am the Great Sun
. At the British War Cemetery, Bayeux
7. Timothy Winters
8. Armistice Day
9. At the Grave of John Clare
10. By St Thomas Water
11. Innocent's Song
12. Healing a Lunatic Boy
13. The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond
14. Trusham
15. I Saw a Jolly Hunter
16. My Young Man's a Cornishman
17. Miller's End
18. Who?
19. A Wedding Portrait
20. Forbidden Games
21. Kelly Wood
22. In San Remo
23. In Asciano
24. In a Junior School
25. I am the Song
26. Eden Rock

Running time is 50.00
ISBN: 9781905556045