www.poetryarchive.org publish a wonderful CD of Charles Causley reading his work, which is available to buy. There are also sound files of the poet reading his work on the website itself, including as a highlight a reading of his moving and beautiful 'Eden Rock'.
The track listing for the CD:
1. Nursery Rhyme of Innocence & Experience
2. Chief Petty Officer
3. Recruiting Drive
4. Ballad of the Bread Man
5. I am the Great Sun
6. At the British War Cemetery, Bayeux
7. Timothy Winters
8. Armistice Day
9. At the Grave of John Clare
10. By St Thomas Water
11. Innocent's Song
12. Healing a Lunatic Boy
13. The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond
14. Trusham
15. I Saw a Jolly Hunter
16. My Young Man's a Cornishman
17. Miller's End
18. Who?
19. A Wedding Portrait
20. Forbidden Games
21. Kelly Wood
22. In San Remo
23. In Asciano
24. In a Junior School
25. I am the Song
26. Eden Rock
Running time is 50.00
ISBN: 9781905556045