Charles Causley died in 2003. He is generally acknowledged as one of the very finest Twentieth century English poets. He was lived all his life in Launceston in Cornwall, where he was a popular and admired figure and, for many years, a much-loved school teacher. His poetic reputation was worldwide.
Much of his work is a direct celebration of Cornish and Launceston life, character, history and legend. To celebrate Charles Causley is to celebrate the poetry of the region. His poetry brought him many awards, among them The Queen's Gold Medal and The Ingersoll/TS Eliot Award. He received the Hon DLitt from the University of Exeter where his archive is now held.
The Charles Causley Trust exists to keep his memory alive and to promote writing in the community and region in which he lived. To this end, the Trust has acquired Cyprus Well, the house where Charles Causley lived for fifty years. This was made immediately possible by an interest free loan of £140 000 in 2006.
There is still a great deal to be done to further the conservation and conversion of Cyprus Well to create a permanent memorial to Charles causley and contemporary poets of Cornwall and Devon, to create seminar spaces and, now, a home for a new agency in the South West, an agency with aims so very similar to that of the Trust itself.
If you would like to support the Charles Causley Trust appeal, you can do so by visiting any branch of Lloyds TSB and making a payment to The Charles Causley Trust account, held at the Launceston branch of Lloyds TSB. (A/C 0846748 - Sort Code 30-94-91) The Charles Causley Trust are a registered charity, no. 1102459.