If you rise early, when there is a slight mist in the valley, you'll find a completely rare crispness and clarity to the air. Launceston Castle wakes striking and magical into the sun and stands tall above the green hills of the surrounding countryside.
As Causley wrote:
WINDED, on this blue stack
Of downward-drifting stone,
The unwashed sky a low-
Slung blanket thick with rain,
I search the cold, unclear
Vernacular of clay,
Water and woods and rock:
The primer of my day *
Make a visit to www.visitlaunceston.co.uk to help you plan a trip. You should also have a look at the links to the right - The Charles Causley Society have a great page where they travel the town as it features in Causley's poems.

* From 'On Launceston Castle' by Charles Causley.